Let my money work for me.

Experience of investing every month and together with the interest, over time, grow to hundred of thousands in savings.

Monday, December 18, 2006

In our life the money matters all. It is always about money. It doesn’t matter what you do, where you go, what you thing, where you work, what and where you‘re shopping, where you traveling, money always counts. Without money you can’t do anything. The money starts to be important even before any one is born, then the money importunacy rises during the childhood, school time and education time.
People start to earn money at their first work. But the money is consumed by the living expenses, housing, shopping, traveling, and others things. Is important to make more money then you spend. Actually, is important to spend less than you make. This will make your savings. Savings as time passes grow, you depose more money, you invest your money and this makes more money.
The biggest challenge is to operate responsible with your money, in this so match spending world is really a hard thing to do. Be accurate in spending, don’t buy what you don’t need, don’t buy cheep things it comes out it turns more expensive for your budget. Saving, spending to what you need only, investing smart is giving to every one a good start in accumulating own money.
In fact is that what I did. Now, when I’m getting married this will the living book of my family. Is important to come to a time when you along are able to buy a car, to arrange your own residence without borrowing. And this is what I recommend to yang people. Is easy and comfortable to start your accumulations when you live in the parents house, when have your meals in the parents kitchen. So, when runing your life along you can make it without loans and without a morgage. This kind of lifestyle guaranty to stay free of mortgage calculations, morgage rates, interest rates, etc.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Let my money work for me.
I wasn’t born into a family that has a large amount of money I had to work for money in my life. I use that money to pay my way in the world. But eventually, I want to stop working and enjoy a retirement age. And if I had put my money to work for me, then I can reach that time of relaxation much earlier. So having my money start to work for me at an early age will pay out more and for a longer period of time in my future, also a time when the morgage rates are low I can take a house for my retirement time.
How is this so? Well, in part, investing the money allows me to stay ahead of the depreciation of money’s value and earn some return on the investment as well. But there is also the fact that interest compounds over time, adding to the earnings without having to lift a finger. As an example, let’s say that you were to invest $1.00 today and the annual interest rate or rate of return of the investment is 8%. That means that in one year, you will have $1.08 in the account. If you leave that money where it is, at the end of the year you will have earned interest on not only your original $1.00, but on the previous year’s interest as well, giving you about $1.17. This compounding interest will continue, year after year. But imagine that instead of $1.00, it’s $100, $1,000 or even $10,000 that you start with and you can see the value over time.
Of course, this is only one possible way to invest. Most of us don’t have $10,000 to invest from day one. Instead, we will be building our savings over time. We may start with $100 a month, added each month over the years. You can still reach a significant savings, but it will simply take more of your own money to get there. This is called an ‘accumulation annuity,’ and just like you use a mortgage calculator tool, when you are in troble and seeck for a mortgage like 80/20 mortgage to justify your actions, you can use calculation tables available from your investment broker, bank or online to figure out exactly how much money you will need to invest regularly in order to reach your goal. But to give you an idea; if you put $100 a month in a mutual fund that earns 8% for 20 years, you’ll end up with $54,960. But what if you invest $100 a month at 8% for 30 years, just 10 years more? You will then have $135,960. And if you continued investing for 40 years, that sum goes to $310,920. This shows you that the longer you invest, the more you allow your money to work for you.